Αγορά Γρ. Προβολή Tigar Ankle Weights 38,00 € adjustable weight for swimming, training equipment, water workout swim flotation for swimming
Αγορά Γρ. Προβολή STRAMATEL SC30 Radio Battery /pair/ - WIRELESS 30-SECOND SHOT-CLOCKS 1.500,00 € Dimensions : 500 x 300 x 65 mm Digit height: 23 cm 2 display units, with integrated horn Transmission : radio (WIRELESS) or cable Operation : with a 452P-Stramatel scoreboard Installation : on the floor or on the wall
Αγορά Γρ. Προβολή MEGA Flipboard 24cm x 34cm 25,00 € Flipboard, magnetic tactic board. Dimensions: 24cm x 34cm
Αγορά Γρ. Προβολή ANTIWAVE Antiwave Water Polo Field 2.300,00 € The Competitor Water Polo Fields of Play are made according to FINA and LEN rules. They may be made for men, women, master or any custom sized field.
Αγορά Γρ. Προβολή Expander for legs EH-AK 30 43,00 € Exceptionally elastic, soft rubber. Elongation at break up to 700%. High strength of the rubber. Rubber rope thickness: 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14mm Spongy handles. Expander for legs Art: EHL-AK 30